Governor Gordon Rescinds Public Health Emergency
14 Mar 2022
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon has signed an Executive Order rescinding the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. To facilitate efforts to address the state’s nursing shortage, the Governor has also signed an Executive Order to allow working nurses time to get licensed in Wyoming.
Executive Order 2022-03, “Executive Order Rescinding Declaration Of A State Of Emergency And Public Health Emergency” immediately rescinds Executive Order 2020-2.
“Wyoming has done a wonderful job in persevering through the pandemic,” Governor Gordon said. “The emergency is over, but people’s responsibility to one another is not. There is one lingering concern – Wyoming’s shortage of healthcare workers. This shortage includes nurses, and has existed long-before COVID and was only exacerbated by the pandemic. Therefore, Executive Order 2022-02 “Nurse And Nursing Assistant Staffing Emergency And Temporary Relief” is effective today and remains in effect for 60 days.”
Executive Order 2022-02 allows nurses and nursing assistants licensed in other jurisdictions to provide nursing care in Wyoming in order to address staffing shortages.
Copies of both Executive Orders are attached and can be found on the Governor’s website.