Ludemann Completes Level Up Leadership Program

13 Oct 2022

The Level Up Leadership Program seeks to elevate Wyoming’s education professionals by providing leadership development to an annual cohort of Wyoming’s leading educators. Upon completion of this program, these educators are better prepared to tackle the daily challenges of providing an exceptional education to Wyoming students as well as become leaders in their community.

This program helped education leaders build relationships that cross district lines, increase the knowledge of what is going on in other parts of the state, and help these leaders develop strategies to continue to engage with their community. The Level Up Leadership Cohort is made up of District Teachers of the Year (DTOY), including Karla Ludemann of Upton, and their principals, Milken Educator Award winners, and Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching (PAEMST) recipients and finalists.

Program Goals Advocacy

Training with State Policymakers

This program provided the cohort training in public policy issues with an emphasis on education policy. Throughout this experience, participants learned how to create clarity to their message and open lines of communication for change. The primary event for this goal was the Leadership StartUp Session whick was held in Cheyenne during the legislative session. Participants learned how the legislature operates as well as how to use their voice to represent educators and students in their district.

Leadership Training with the Wyoming Military Department

The cohort went through extensive leadership training by learning from Wyoming’s military leaders. The primary event centered on this goal was the Wyoming Educator Leadership Rendezvous at the Wyoming Military Department’s Camp Guernsey Joint Training Center in early August. This event challenged the assumptions and perceptions you may have about education and military life and served as the ultimate confidence and team-building exercise.

Continuous Improvement with the University of Wyoming College of Education

The program helped education leaders in the cohort continue to advance their craft, including instilling a growth mindset in these leaders. Participants were encouraged to share their learning experiences with colleagues in their home school districts after learning from some of Wyoming’s most experienced education leaders. The primary event for this goal was the Next Level Summit held mid-September in Laramie. In addition, educators will engage in conversations about how rural educators need a larger physical network and how to partner with others to meet their needs, such as the business community.

Article courtesy of Weston County Gazette